Are you interested in the boosting of a YouTube channel?

Are you interested in boosting a YouTube channel and improving video ranks in YouTube search results? Purchase the service of displaying in the TOP by Tag and get ready to see how your channel grows.







Uploaded a video to your YouTube channel and still no views?

Your video is no worse than others, then where are the views?! Looks like an interesting video! And if you type a query on the topic in the YouTube search, then on any other person’s video there are a lot of views and subscribers everywhere. And then, waiting for a miracle, praying to the YouTube algorithms, every HOUR you type a topic into the search, scroll, trying to find your video. But he’s not there. Well, why not?… Of course, it exists, but only because of competition with similar channels and videos, it is very far from the first place, from the TOP of searches. And it’s not a fact that a potential subscriber will get to it.

YouTube algorithms just pass through?

Everyone wants to know YouTube algorithms, understand how to promote their channel and how to become popular on YouTube. Some creators make great content, but wait years for YouTube to pick up their channel and make it popular one day.

PRICE OF PROMOTION SERVICES 3000 rub. for 1 video within 7 days.

– Your video can get to the TOP within 24 hours, but this depends on the competitiveness of the Tag.
– We do not work with the promotion of Tags that have already been taken into work (check this before ordering).
– We do not work with videos in the “delayed publication” status on YouTube!
– for videos older than 1 day.
– for new channels where less than 8 videos are uploaded per channel.
– for tags with a search volume (competition) according to vidIQ of more than 500,000


– Displaying a video for one tag in the top 10 (as a rule, dozens of other tags rise).
– Video promotion for 7 days. The longer a video is kept in the TOP, the stronger it is fixed in it, while views on the video increase + new potential subscribers to the channel.
– Video views ranging from 1000 to 20,000 from Youtube search.
– Likes 1% of views (not a guarantee).

our reviews

How does tag promotion work?

1. Before uploading your video to YouTube through the chat in the corner of the site, you need to find out if the Tag you need is available. If the Tag is busy or you cannot write a request yourself (come up with a Tag), we will help you compose it correctly via chat.

2. If the tag is free and everything is indicated in your video, namely:

Title of the video.

Tags under the video.

Description of the video.

Then you just pay for promotion.


All orders are processed, usually within 30-60 minutes, depending on the workload of the service. Since Youtube updates channel view statistics with a long delay, the indicators may only become visible after 2-4 days. Be patient and wait for the result.



Imagine how many people want to promote themselves, their channel and their video on YouTube. How many already promoted channels are in the first positions in YouTube searches, and how many new, fresh channels are behind them. And all these are your competitors.Когда мы получим заказ, то твой ролик начнет двигаться вверх в поиске Ютуб. Почти каждый, кто наберет в поисковой строке Ютуба выбранный тобой тег, будет видеть в ТОП именно твой ролик. Практически за 1-7 дней ты сделаешь то, чего другие ждут месяцами и годами. Ты просто возьмешь и отодвинешь своих конкурентов на позиции ниже, собрав весь траф на свой ролик.

All views will come from YouTube search. These will not be views from some obscure sites or external links embedded somewhere. And you can verify this simply by checking the statistics of your video.

Your video will receive from 5000-20000 views. The number of views depends on the competitiveness of the Tag and how long you have had a channel on the chosen topic. It is better to promote a video on a channel where 5-6 videos on the topic of your channel have already been uploaded, and not on an empty one. That is, YouTube should already have a history on the channel.

Yes, it’s safe. We have been promoting videos on YouTube since 2013. We promote videos in any topic. Therefore, we are well versed in the algorithms of YouTube and know how to do it safely. We promote channels even with monetization enabled. Throughout our promotion, our clients have never complained about problems with the channel due to our service.

Since our main service is bringing videos to the TOP, and views come as a bonus, then yes, there is a certain percentage of them written off.

Results of our work
We value the privacy of our clients, so we use only our channels as examples.


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